2024 Ohio River Way Summit
Maysville, Kentucky — Sept. 11-12
Investing in Vibrant River Communities
We're excited to be hosting our summit in Maysville, KY, on Sept. 11 & 12! With Heather French Henry as our Honorary Conference Chair, the focus of the summit will be Investing In Vibrant River Communities. Below is an outline of the schedule, and we'll provide more details here and via email leading up to the summit.
Register Now
Your ticket includes Wednesday evening reception and dinner, canoe and trolley tours, Thursday morning refreshments, Thursday lunch, plus conference materials. Our room block at the French Quarter Inn is now full. We would encourage you to find a place to stay through Visit Maysville.
Schedule subject to change. View as pdf here.
If you’re interested in being a sponsor, please email or call Forest Clevenger at forest@ohioriverway.org or (502) 777-5314.
In Kind
Photos of the 2023 Summit